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Hundreds of IPCC scientists think we'll being living in an environmental semi-dystopia by the end of the century

Nearly 80% of the 380 expert scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that responded to a Guardian survey reported expecting that, as in the grand scheme of things we’ve done so little to combat global warming, temperatures are likely to rise by at least 2.5C by 2100. Which is pretty much in line with last year’s pre-Cop28 UN report that had us on track for a 3 degree increase in the same time frame.

This is….not good. The claim is that a 2.5 degree increase will cause “catastrophic consequences for humanity and the planet,”

Many of the scientists envisage a “semi-dystopian” future, with famines, conflicts and mass migration, driven by heatwaves, wildfires, floods and storms of an intensity and frequency far beyond those that have already struck.

The lawmakers and regulators have not helped as one might have hoped they would.

Numerous experts said they had been left feeling hopeless, infuriated and scared by the failure of governments to act despite the clear scientific evidence provided.

But most of us, especially those in more privileged positions, likely bear at least some small responsibility for the situation. Or as on unnamed scientist said:

The world’s response to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools.

Rewatching Westworld in the AI-infused year 2024

📺 (Re)watching Westworld.

Humans invent a theme park populated by supposedly memory-less, insensible androids; mere automatons there solely to allow the (rich) customers to live out their wild-west fantasies . Something other than hilarity ensues.

I’d watched season one several years ago and vaguely remember it being one of the finest and most fascinating pieces of TV in a long while. Season two to be honest I don’t remember very much from at all, not sure if that’s their fault or mine, we’ll see. Season 3 and 4 I haven’t yet had the pleasure of.

From the very beginning though, the show does hit a bit differently in a today’s world where artificially intelligent drink-serving robots already exist, albeit typically less clothed in artificial human skin than their Westworld equivalents are.

A creepy white humanoid android
A creepy 'drone host' from Westworld.
A silver real-world humanoid android from
A creepy robot from our world (from

It doesn’t stop there. Out here in our world, real people are already falling in love with their virtual AI companions. And there’s a non-zero contingent of folk out there who suspect that even today’s chatbots are already sentient and surely many more who are working, at least tangentially, on the issue of making them so.

Their electronic brains certainly already have memories, so perhaps we best treat them more nicely than the show park’s visitors treat Delores just in case.

Kind-of spoiler ahead: The whole weird billionaire’s big business secretly surveilling everyone’s data whilst you feel like you’re being entertained is also not exclusive to the fictional world, nor are the big potentially catastrophic leaks of the resulting information.

Everyone was right - Barbie is indeed a fun feminist-leaning film.

Watched Barbie (the movie).

Unfortunately this film was a big enough sensation that I’d heard many of the best lines before watching it, and I don’t suppose it’s single-handedly going to cause the feminist revolution we all still sadly need. But it was very cool to see some of these ideas brought to the truly mass market]( in such an enjoyable way, alongside some nods and winks to folk who already have already started the journey to enlightenment.

Same applies to film buffs - many shoutouts are included to iconic films of years past. The way it starts is an extremely clear parallel to 2001: A Space Odyssey’s famous intro.

The world design was also delightful, especially (I’d assume) if you have a history of playing with the classic doll. And somewhat educational too. I did for instance learn that there used to be a pregnant Barbie, aka Midge, for real. The Today website informs us that it came with:

…a detachable, magnetized pregnant belly that could fit her accompanying plastic infant

No-one wouldn’t want to see this, so here we go, from the same Today article.

Midge, the pregnant Barbie doll

Not to mention an $82 doll actually called ‘Sugar Daddy Ken’. But don’t worry, that’s definitely not wildly inappropriate, he comes with a dog-doll that happens to be called Sugar. He’s just Sugar’s Daddy. Only someone must have forgotten the apostrophe and s when designing the box. Here he is, taken from the same article.

The Sugar Daddy Ken doll

And, at the other end of the slightly disturbing spectrum, ‘Growing Up Skipper’ which was:

…a technological marvel of a doll that grew taller — and grew breasts — when users twisted her left arm

So you’ll need to see a video of that one.

For the avoidance of doubt, despite being the film’s villains, Mattel - owners of the Barbie brand - are probably not all that upset at the film. They estimated the film will have increased their monetary takings buy at least £100 million - some directly as coming from the rights to a percentage of box office revenues, other parts more due to a surge of interest in Barbie after the film release.

But it can’t be all bad though. After all, the movie drove a certain kind of conservative activist wild when it came out - who can forget hilariously thin-skinned Ben Shapiro burning his Barbie in protest?

Here’s the trailer for the few remaining people who haven’t seen it.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs now has a AI-generated 'digital person' as a spokesperson

Ukraine’s latest government spokesperson is an AI-generated “digital person”. A deep-fake, if you will, although it’s not a trick - the authorities are being very transparent about what we’re seeing. And what the spokesperson actually says is going to be 100% written by humans, as much as anything is these days anyway.

Known by the name “Victoria Shi”, the idea is that she (it?), rather than a traditional human being, will share any necessary official operational and consular information with us. Whilst not supposed to be reflective of a real person as a whole, her image is (consensually) based on none other than singer and former ‘The Bachelor’ contestant, Rosalie Nombre.

I am a digital person that means that the text you hear was not read by a real person it was generated by artificial intelligence I will carry out a number of tasks first and foremost I will inform the public providing timely and verified information from Ukraine’s Consular service I will provide journalists with updates about the work of consules in protecting the rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens abroad.

Supposedly this is all in the service of freeing up time and resources for real humans to do what they need to do in times of war. Something tells me people will come up with a wide range of alternative theories though.

The legitimate videos will each feature a QR code that link to a text version of the speech published on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to let you verify their integrity. Whether the inevitable future fake versions will do something similar, or whether the majority of humankind would care enough to actually check each time that each video is legit, seems less certain to me.

Here’s an example of her in action from Business Today.

A council has provoked the wrath of residents and linguists alike after announcing it would ban apostrophes on street signs to avoid problems with computer systems.

(from The Guardian)

It seems not at all surprising that Britons would mount incandescent and effective campaigns against the desire of various authorities to remove apostrophes from their street names. An Englishman’s home, and hence his address, is his castle and all.

But it did surprise me that here, in techno-AI-infused 2024, the stated rationale for doing so is because computer databases don’t handle them well. Even though my professional life leads me to find this very plausible, it’s still a bit embarrassing.

I suppose grammatical error-riddled street signs would grate on me a little too, if I’m being entirely honest.

Tom Hunt's predicament is a perfect example of why voter ID laws are usually bad laws

Yesterday the UK saw a swathe of local and other miscellaneous elections taking place. It’s one of the first occasions Britons have been to the polls en masse since the introduction of the law requiring you to bring certain types of photo ID with you to the polling station in order to be allowed to vote.

This policy was introduced via Boris Johnson’s Conservative government via the Elections Act 2022. So it was rather darkly hilarious to learn that day before the elections were to run, Conservative MP Tom Hunt realised that he had no suitable ID and hence wasn’t going to be able to vote.

The reason we know about this is because someone leaked a Whatsapp message (of course!) where he was asking fellow Tory party members to help him out via being his emergency proxy, a facility designed for people who lose their ID amongst other circumstances, that I’m certain the vast majority of the UK populous doesn’t know about. If they even know about the photo ID requirement in the first place; for such a big change I at least haven’t seen any publicity around it recently.

It later came to light that he suffers from a medical condition called dyspraxia , which is what he attributes his overweight to. Some of the symptoms of that condition include “difficulty with organisation and/or problems with attention, working memory and time management” so it’s perfectly plausible and may make the more vicious commentators of a certain type tone down their output, as tempting an opportunity as it is.

But, as a friend noted, another thing Tom’s situation perfectly demonstrates is why voter ID requirements tend to be bad laws that cause unjust disenfranchisement in the first place.

Back in 2022, Toby James shared six reasons why introducing the voter ID law to Britain was a bad idea.

  1. There is no evidence of voter fraud.
  2. Photographic voter ID could deny legitimate voters
  3. Photo ID discriminates
  4. Voter identification is expensive
  5. The change is happening at too short notice
  6. Other problems need fixing

Some of these seem more serious than others to me - but points 2 and 3 exactly describe the situation with Mr. Hunt. There’s no question he was a legitimate voter. And had he not known about the proxy workaround, or been unable for any reason to use it, he would have been denied his right to vote.

Some research for the government carried out in 2021 put the number of people who say they have no recognisable photo ID they could use was 4%. That might sound low, but as James notes it’s equivalent to 1.9 million potential voters. And that’s just any recognisable photo ID. The proportion of people reporting that they don’t have any recognisable photo ID that hasn’t expired is more than twice that, 9%.

In reality, I’d wager that the number of people who say that they have usable, in-date, photo ID is somewhat higher than the number of people that can actually locate such a thing and remember to provide it at a polling station.

Furthermore, having some kind of disability puts Hunt in one of the many groups that have a higher risk of being prevented from voting than others as a result of this law.

From the same governmental research:

12% of respondents with a severely limiting disability and eight per cent of those with a somewhat limiting difficulty said that having to present photo ID at the polling station would make voting difficult, compared with four per cent of those with no disability.

Some of that relates to their concurrent finding that people with a disability are less likely to have appropriate photo ID in the first place. Other groups that also had lesser rates of having ID include:

  • Older people, especially those who were 85+ years old.
  • Unemployed people.
  • Those with few educational qualifications.
  • Those who haven’t previously voted.
  • People living in certain regions of the UK, e.g. West Midlands, South West and Yorkshire and the Humber.

As ever, it’s perhaps of note that these are different segments of the population that those who typically work in politics or the media.

Younger people aged 18-29 were actually more likely to report having a photo ID than the rest of the population. Although if they were talking about their travelcards then that would be meaningless giving a strange-on-the-surface decision by the government to allow the Oyster travel card issued to 60+ year olds as valid voter ID, but not the Oyster travel card issued to 18+ year old students or the railcards issued to 16-25 year olds. There is an actual reason for this that relates to the differing application processes for the two types of cards which can certainly be discussed - but the survey I’m took the above numbers from certainly didn’t include that nuance.

The Electoral Reform Society has similar concerns. As does the Joseph Rowntree Foundation who, focusing on the economic dimension of privilege, wrote that:

…there is a very real risk that the Government’s Elections Bill, which is currently making its way through Parliament, will disenfranchise around 1.7 million voters living on a low income.

And note that making available an option to get a “free” photo ID is no panacea:

It’s not easy, or necessarily going to be a priority, to apply to your local authority for a free Voter Card if you’re working in an insecure job with irregular, unpredictable and long hours, or juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet while also managing caring responsibilities and health needs. It’s also much harder to apply for a free Voter Card if you don’t have access to technology, or if previous interactions with your local council or job centre have created a feeling of fear and mistrust of the system.

The same article notes that other organisations such as Crisis, Operation Black Vote and The Runnymede Trust have similar concerns.

In any case, our voter ID law appears to be targeting a basically non-existent problem. Sure, any motivated media organisation will likely be able to find (or conjure up) a handful of individual stories of people that seemingly got away with defrauding the system. But an analysis of elections held in 2019 showed just how rare electoral fraud of the nature this law sets out to reduce seems to be.

As far as I can see from the Electoral Commission’s figures there were a whole 2 people convicted or cautioned for using someone else’s identity in order to vote in a way that this kind of voter ID law could potentially have perhaps prevented. Out of around 58 million votes. Which is not surprising when there are already mechanisms in place to ensure that votes are attributed to real individuals, that the same person can’t vote twice and, let’s face it, you’re going to have to fake-vote a whole lot more than twice to make an meaningful impact on the result of almost any election.

Toby James and Alistair Clark published an analysis of a pilot voter ID initiative that was carried out during some of the 2018-2019 local elections that found that:

Attempted impersonation was exceptionally rare, however, and measures to introduce voter identification requirements therefore had little effect on the security of the electoral process.

Rather, the ID requirements during the pilot:

…led to some voters not casting their ballot, either for reasons of convenience and availability of suitable forms of ID, or reasons of principle and protest.

These laws thus seem to be setting out to solve a problem that doesn’t really exist at meaningful scale, or less charitably, only exists in the minds of a certain type of culture-war-addled populist brain. Instead, in practice it creates a new and real problem that prevents a set of people from exercising their most fundamental fundamental democratic right. Worse yet, the disenfranchisement is likely to be biased particularly against those people who may already be struggling more than the average citizen, have a relative lack of power and privilege, and may thus be particularly affected by the constitution and nature of any elected government.

The real problem the UK has with people’s voting behaviour is not that too many imaginary people vote, but rather that too few real people do. According to research from the House of Commons Library, the turnout at England’s local elections in 2021 - even before voter ID was introduced - was a pretty appalling 35.9%. Nearly two thirds of people who could have voted didn’t vote. Perhaps we should use any available resources to focus on increasing the number of people who see fit to vote, not making it harder to do so for those who are already motivated to do so. Remove the existing barriers, don’t add new entirely unnecessary ones.

Just to finish on a moment of comedy rather than despair, another person who inadvertently (?) turned up to the polling station yesterday without any suitable ID was naturally none other than our former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the very person who presided over the country and the government that put these rules into place in the first place. He is, to be fair, not known for his ability to adhere to rules, even those he himself put in place.

For future reference, there is a website where you can find out what your local candidates for the role of Police and Crime Commissioner have to say for themselves: .

I’m sad that I discovered this a day too late to be useful, but also glad to know I didn’t accidently vote for the one who is going to “stop woke policing” and blah blah something about net zero I’m sure the PCC has no control over. Also:

Push to ban all Police officers from dancing while on duty/ in uniform

That’s definitely going to solve the whole “most crime is defacto legal” issue the UK has 🙄.

Happy 50th birthday to SQL!

Structured Query Language is an incredibly popular computer language used to query a huge variety of databases today. But it was described by Chamberlin and Boyce in a paper published in 1974.

They may have saved us from having to query databases using its predesccor, SQUARE, which had much trickier sounding concepts of bound variables, quantifiers and first order predicate calculus.

TIL: the reason many people pronounce SQL as “sequel” perhaps relates to the fact it was actually called SEQUEL - “Structured English QUEry Language” until they noticed another company had a trademark on SEQUEL. Wikipedia claims the modern-day correct pronunciation to be simply its letters: S-Q-L. But I doubt anyone involved would be confused either way.

The British people's opinion on immigration is becoming less hostile whilst the number of immigrants goes up

Peter Kellner notes what seems to be something of a paradox in the British peoples' views around immigration to the UK.

Since Brexit, the number of migrants coming to the UK has rapidly increased - by a lot. Which I’m sure is annoying to a certain type of Brexiteer. The media is constantly in a frenzy about the issue, the government makes ever more desperate promises it won’t keep whilst simultaneously attempting probably illegal and certainly immoral strategies to make it all go away.

But yet, even with all that, the British public’s hostility to immigration has tended to decline over the last few years, albeit with a slight uptick last year.

Back in the ancient pre-Brexit-referendum era of 2015, an Ipsos poll saw 67% of British public saying that they wanted to see a reduction in immigration. Last year’s update showed that figure has dropped to 49%. And the percentage of people that want to see an actual increase in immigration has more than doubled from 10% to 22%.

Top Tory MP defects to Labour in fury at NHS crisis

Dan Poulter crosses the aisle. He doesn’t want to be part of a party that’s become a ‘nationalist party of the right’.

Good stuff, especially if he’s right about Labour’s priorities.

One of the things I really like about Labour party policy on the NHS is the focus on the social determinants of poor health and actually recognising that tackling poverty, poor housing, all those issues, particularly giving children from poorer backgrounds better chances and focusing on child health

What if, for example, you only want your content to be seen by humans in their thirties with passions for subway tile, “doggos,” and posting JLaw reaction GIFs in Slack?

Drop everything and go see if you can get through The Millennial Captcha.

(h/t Sophie)

Remove DRM from Amazon Kindle books with Calibre

Amazon Kindle provides a popular, easy-to-use, and (sometimes) cheap ecosystem of devices and books for anyone who enjoys reading eBooks. Of course they are also not the most ethical of companies which might make the proposition entirely unattractive to you - which is not a topic I’ll deal with here. However their monopolistic ways are such that many folk end up with a stash of Kindle ebooks they bought.

One problem though is that Kindle books are (usually) encrypted with DRM. This means that whilst they open smoothly on Kindle devices, Kindle apps and the Kindle Reader website they won’t work anywhere else. You can’t switch to a different ereader device, a different app or read them on an operating system that doesn’t have the app (except perhaps via the web).

Furthermore presumably if you lose access to your Amazon account then you’ve also lost all your books. That’s presumably unlikely to happen most of people, but there are plenty of stories on the internet of people this has apparently happened to.

And it’s not absolutely unheard of for Amazon to magically make a book you thought you purchased vanish. Famously, people woke up one day to find that the copy of George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ of all things - you know, the one about how the government retrospectively rewrites history by changing the digital records of what happened - had vanished, from the Amazon store and their own Kindles. They’re also able to change the content of the books after you purchased them - in theory for good, but each individual case might depend on your opinion. So all in all, whether you’re switching apps or devices or simply trying to make a safe backup, you’re going to end up with a bunch of unusable files if you try to open them in something not officially created by Amazon. I don’t love this, to say the least.

But it turns out that the wonderful internet people have figured out how to remove the DRM from Amazon eBooks. Once the DRM is gone you can open it on any device or app that supports the file format, or use a tool such as Calibre to convert them to other formats that your chosen reading setup can work with.

Obviously if removing DRM is illegal where you live - and to be honest it probably is, but hey, you never know - then you shouldn’t do it. But once you moved to a country where it is permitted then the below is - purely in theory of course - one of the simpler ways you might do it.

One method to do this is via the aforementioned Calibre ebook management software which is free, open source and available for Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems and one of its plugins. Calibre is actually well worth a look if you’re into ebooks even if you aren’t stuck with a load of DRM-laden Kindle files.

Below I’m going to outline what I believe to have been the most reliable approach over time.

There are two downsides to this approach though:

Firstly you have to have a hardware Kindle eInk device currently registered to your Amazon account. It shouldn’t matter which model as long as its one of the eInk ones and not one of their Android ‘Fire’ style tablets. I have heard of people buying an old and cheap ereader from eBay just to connect it up to their Amazon account to enable the below, even if they have no intention of using the device itself.

It doesn’t actually matter if your Kindle is later broken or lost; the key is that it must currently be registered to your Amazon account.

Secondly you have to download your books from the Amazon website to your computer one at a time as far as I can tell. This will be painful if you have a lot of books.

If it’s unbearable then I know some people have had success using the Kindle apps for Windows and Macs to download books en masse. But the encryption Amazon uses in that case is different than that used when you are using a Kindle eInk eReader. It seems to change often enough that depending on exactly what and when you try it you might come up against problems with the actual DRM removal.

That said, if you want to try that way you’ll still need the plugin mentioned below - but also I’d suggest you search for another guide as there’s more to it than what I’m outlining here. The Calibre subreddit is perhaps one of the best places to find this stuff, but there are plenty of possibilities.

But if you can cope with that, then:

  • First make sure you have Calibre installed.
  • Then download the DeDRM_tools plugin. I think the newest version is from the noDRM repo; this one. Download the zip file at the bottom of the page ( at the time of writing).
  • Extract the files from the zip somewhere onto your computer.

Then load Calibre and do the following inside it:

  • Preferences -> Advanced -> Plugins -> Load plugin from file.
  • Choose to load the file you extracted from the zip above.
  • Reboot Calibre (maybe).
  • Preferences -> Advanced -> Plugins -> DeDrm -> Customize Plugin -> Kindle eInk ebooks
  • Add the serial number of your Kindle, which is available either somewhere in your Kindle settings or on the Amazon website if you go to the page called “Manage your content and devices” and enter the devices section. Now you can see why you need an eInk Kindle to have been connected.

Now back the Amazon website page “Manage your content and devices”:

  • Go to Content and then Books and find the book you want.
  • Under “More actions” select to download and transfer via USB.
  • Pick the device that you added the serial number of when it asks you which devices. This will download a file, currently ending in azw3.

Lastly, Inside Calibre, import the azw3 book as usual via Add Books menu. And there we go, the book should hopefully open just fine in Calibre and be freely available for reading, conversion and all the other good stuff Calibre does.

🎶 Listening to Kaiser Chief’s Easy Eighth Album by The Kaiser Chiefs.

Here’s another entry from the “sort of surprised they’re still going” hall of fame.

Unlike the last album I mentioned, 19(!) years after this bunch were famously Predicting A Riot, their latest album sees them taking a new and rather more calming path. Here they turn their hand to the pop-funk genre, with mere hints of their earlier style now and then.

Kaiser Chiefs · Kaiser Chiefs' Easy Eighth Album

Georgi Gospodinov's 'The Physics of Sorrow'

📚 Finished reading The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov.

This is another wonderful, mind-bending, book from Georgi Gospodinov, who wrote the “Time Shelter”, a book I greatly enjoyed earlier in the year. This is somewhat peculiar story, but written in a way that feels very suited to my brain; somehow calming even in its melancholy.

Presumably it’s not only my brain that it’s suited to - it became an instant best-seller in its country of publication, Bulgaria, when it was released around 2011. So it was written much before Time Shelter, but has only been released in the UK relatively recently.

As the FT notes, The Economist once referred to Gospodinov’s homeland Bulgaria as a particularly sad place.

Although richer countries are clearly happier, the correlation is not perfect, which suggests that other, presumably cultural, factors are at work…the saddest place in the world, relative to its income per person, is Bulgaria.

It’s somewhat an autobiography - the main character has the author’s name and grows up in the country of the author. The progression through his life is clear. But it’s also fantastical, whimsically and seriously so, as we follow his life - and those of the other minds he inhabits - over time. See, as a child, the book tells us that this Georgi suffers from “obsessive empathetic-somatic syndrome” which essentially allows him to get trapped in and compelled to live out other people’s memories. When in one of these episodes, “I” in this case would not refer to Georgi, but rather his host, for want of a better word.

The story is fragmented, moving from one scene to another and back again, from his point of view to someone else’s, obsessing for a while of some old list he found and then ruminating on what it feels like to be something else, or retelling a snippet of someone’s life story. Time fast-forwards, time rewinds. It’s labyrthinic, and deliberately so. Very much like the human mind, of course.

Gaustine, of Time Shelter fame, gets a shoutout. References to Borges, the author of some of my favourite short stories and similarly a fan of narrative labyrinths are made.

As time passes, story-book Georgi grows out of the afore-mentioned childhood syndrome, and no longer inadvertently leaps into other people’s minds. Instead he becomes a collector of everything; every note, ticket, picture, menus, whatever - boxes of the stuff. But primarily a collector of stories. He’ll pay for a good one.

One of the themes he constantly returns to is that of abandonment, and those oft-related emotions of isolation and loneliness.

Interwoven through the experiences of “normal” people he comes back again and again to Greek mythology, specifically the story of the Minotaur. But in this retelling the minotaur is no vicious beast. He’s just a sad, lonely child who through no fault of his own got born with an alien face.

There is sorrow in him which no animal possesses.

Poor Minotaur’s father hated him. His mother abandoned him to a dark, depressing, lonely labyrinth. At least in this novel you do get to hear the Minotaur have his day in court at one point.

This is the lens which much of the presumably more autobiographical elements and aspects of social commentary are shown through. The claim is made that the “history of the world” can be described through a series of children being abandoned.

Book cover for The Physics of Sorrow

📺 Watched season 13 of Death In Paradise.

More (mostly) light-hearted murder in the sun. I guessed wrong about who Sunset Chaser was. But still, good to know that getting that a comment on otherwise very boring blog can indeed change your life.

Last season.

The results aren’t published yet, but it looks like we’re going to see that the anti-obesity GLP-1 drugs such as Zepbound are potentially useful for treating sleep apnea too.

I’m curious how much of that comes from the associated weight loss - there is a known relationship between e.g. sleep apnea and obesity, albeit potentially a fairly complicated one - vs if there’s a more direct pathway in addition.

'Becoming a Data Head' tries to teach you how best to think about data projects

📚 Finished reading Becoming a Data Head by Alex J Gutman and Jordan Goldmeier.

This book is a nice mix of layperson and a certain amount of technical content, all on the subject of using data. It’s primarily focused on the uses of data in the workplace.

It’s not going to teach you the intricacies of statistics - although it does introduce some useful concepts it’d be helpful to understand just to navigate one’s way through everyday life - nor how to construct cutting-edge AI models. But you probably will come away understanding more about how those things work and their limitations. As well as, probably more importantly for the target audience of this book - business people, executives, engineers or novice/wannabe data scientists - when and why you should consider using these kind of techniques, or, if you’re managing people or processes, when to permit someone use them on your behalf.

It’s thus frequently more about the mindset of data work than the technical details of it. When should you use data? What makes a project worth embarking on? When should you abandon it? And how should you react when folk present the results of their data projects to you?

The book is organised in to 4 sections, which give an idea of the trajectory readers will be following:

  1. Thinking like a Data Head
  2. Speaking like a Data Head
  3. Understanding the Data Scientist’s toolbox
  4. Ensuring success

The last one there is mostly referring to success of the data projects you or your colleagues may embark on.

So what then is a “Data Head”, that thing they want you to become?

…these are data skeptics, although the skepticism is based on employing their data critical-thinking skills rather than just to be annoying. They advocate for data where it’s useful, but question what ought to be questioned. Their skepticism comes from having technical knowledge and domain expertise. It’s delivered with empathy.

Their very reasonable claim is that using data for the sake of using data is not a great use of anyone’s resources, no matter what the hype says. Rather:

To be an effective Data Head you must use data to drive change.

And some things simply aren’t possible no matter how much you want them to be. Let’s never forget the famous phrase:

Garbage in, garbage out

This, according to the book, is especially the case with some of the fancier data techniques - if you are not a company with the unbelievable amounts of data, skilled personnel and other resources that say Google has, be more than a little cautious about believing that you can produce what they produce.

But almost certainly there are ways you and your organisation can productively use data. After all, the book proclaims that data may be the most important part of your job, whether or not you want it to be. You just need to distinguish productive avenues of inquiry from red herrings.

The book is impressively concise, and a pretty easy read if you have any familiarity with the topic. Along the way there are plenty of checklists and lists of good questions to ask at all phases of any data project, from conception to conclusion.

I can see these being useful for more knowledgeable data workers in addition to the target audience - the sort of people who already know their field well in terms of technical details, but also in some cases may risk getting carried away with their urge to spend time and money having fun with the latest and greatest algorithms on a project that never really stood a chance of working in the first place.

As an example, before starting on a data project the authors implore you to ask:

  • Why is this problem important? If your answer focuses on the methodology or the deliverables involved them you’re probably missing the point of the question.
  • Who does this problem affect? Can they actually use the results you’ll get? How will their job change?
  • What if we don’t have the right data?
  • When is the project over?
  • What if we don’t like the results? Meaning that the project went well, but produced an answer the stakeholders didn’t want.

The last point is one I have often wished more folk consider than apparently do

Overall, the book helps you ask better questions, both of yourself and of others. There’s also a handy list of pitfalls later on in the book that are a good reference for checking your own work and (politely) challenging that of others.

Cover of Becoming a Data Head book

Emulators hit the iOS app store

A couple of weeks ago Apple started allowing emulators onto its app store. Not a scene I’ve dabbled in before but once the free “Delta” mostly-Nintendo emulator starting taking over the charts I had to give it a go. It works great. Supposedly it’ll work with games from any of:

  • NES
  • SNES
  • Game Boy
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo 64
  • Sega Genesis / Megadrive

Me, a saint, has obviously been magically backing up my purchased Nintendo game cartridges since I was a baby (to be fair devices exist that can help do that sort of thing). But for anyone who has temporarily lost their local backups, searching for “roms” reveals a whole new world of archived games I didn’t really know existed.

Finally I can experience the joy of Mr Nutz once more, this time in mobile form.

Screenshot of Mr Nutz on a SNES emulator

The source of the 'AI experts think there's a 10% chance that AI will destroy humanity' statistic

I’m two years later to the party, but I believe this is the source of the famous “AI experts believe there’s a 10% chance that it will destroy humanity” statistic that was the subject of a certain amount of understandable-on-the-surface media frenzy a while back (e.g. here or here).

The exact question asked was:

“What probability do you put on human inability to control future advanced AI systems causing human extinction or similarly permanent and severe disempowerment of the human species?”

And the median answer was 10%.

The responses are from some subset of 738 questionnaire responses that came from a group consisting of researchers that published something at a couple machine learning related conferences. This represents a 17% response rate from the 4271 people solicited. It sounds like this particular question was given to a smaller subset of the 738 because recipients could get different questionnaires depending on whether they’d already completed another assessment in the past.

Perhaps not unrelated, 69% of respondents think that AI safety research should be given a higher priority than it was at the time.

I wonder what goes through the head of someone doing work that they think stands a substantial chance of destroying everyone and everything that they love. Particularly if they’re in a group which mostly thinks that insufficient attention is being given to safety. I’m curious to see if there’s any clues in the detailed data.

Some ideas that come to mind before actually bothering to take a look include:

  1. Maybe those with high estimates actually work in AI safety, or organisations concerned with mitigating the impact of AI. Doing AI research doesn’t mean you’re promoting AI. After all, virology researchers don’t usually want to infect everyone with a virus. But I don’t know if there’s enough (prestigious) AI safety jobs to go around for that to be the case every time.
  2. Perhaps they believe that the upsides of AI are so great that a 10% risk of total destruction is worth the risk.
  3. Perhaps they think that they’re more moral, careful and sensible than everyone else working in the field, and thus, given that someone is going to produce these systems, it’s best that it’s them. After all, we (nearly) all think we’re above average drivers.
  4. In some part similar to the above, maybe it’s more that yes, some day there’ll be an AI that destroys everything, but it’s not going to be my silly little model. Maybe it’ll be 1000 years in the future and come from an entirely different line of research. We’re not surprised that people who build space rockets do what they do just because nuclear missiles look and work vaguely similarly.
  5. Or perhaps the respondents who place high probabilities on absolute destruction don’t actually viscerally believe that number and its implications, or at least not all the time. Maybe they never thought about the possibility until they were asked. It is possible for a person to hold two different and incompatible thoughts in one’s head at different times or even simultaneously, particularly when one concerns your livelihood here and now and the other is a potentially distant future theoretical risk. We’re not constantly shocked at how people from oil companies don’t quit even though there’s a lot more evidence that their work is directly contributing to the destruction of the planet.
  6. Let’s never forget the Lizardman’s constant. There’s a certain amount of respondents who will say they agree with almost anything, no matter how outlandish, on any survey. Even when they either don’t actually agree or never really thought about whether they do or not.
  7. And then there’s the fact that most humans are not really very good forecasters, especially when it comes to rare or unprecedented events. Being good at making AI is a different skillset to being good at making forecasts about it. In particular we tend to be “disproportionately swayed by improbable but extreme eventualities, such as terrorism, that come to mind easily”, to quote Lieder et al, which the total destruction of everything would probably count as.
  8. Because of the fact that some researchers were given different questionnaires to others it is also possible that the 69% who feel like insufficient attention is being given to AI safety are not representative of the sample who provided answers to the question resulting in that 10% chance of total destruction.
  9. There is of course, as ever, the possibility that there are other methodological issues with the survey which a detailed reading might reveal.

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Let's not make the update to the 1824 Vagrancy Act worse than the original

Homeless people should not be arrested just if they smell - minister

One of the increasingly rare Conservative MPs with a good opinion! Wokeness runs amok!

Sometimes one can tell a lot about the legitimacy of a policy by the ludicrousness of the headlines it generates. This one is in reference to legislation the Conservative government is trying to get through that had the galaxy-brained idea of fining any rough-sleeping people - who of course famously have an excess of wealth to spare - up to £2500 for causing a nuisance. Prison sentences also available. Nuisance is defined widely enough that being “excessively” smelly or simply looking a bit like you might intend to sleep rough would be eligible for punishment.

The existing legislation - which is naturally a law from exactly 200 years ago: the 1824 Vagrancy Act - already makes rough sleeping and begging a criminal offence. Thousands of people without homes have been arrested for such crimes as “vagrant being found in or upon enclosed premises” or “begging and wandering around” in recent years. And there’s a concern that these changes would lead to a even greater criminalisation in practice.

It’s a policy so stupid and cruel that even several of today’s Conservative party are likely to rebel if the government pushes this forward. Good on them, especially “rebels” who are trying to work across party lines to decriminalise rough sleeping entirely. We desperately need new legislation on the subject, but not this new law.

Homelessness is not a lifestyle choice, and we know how to solve it.

Trump forced to see mean memes about him shared by prospective jurors

(from Rolling Stone)

Donald Trump’s latest trial is making for some slightly comedic scenes in amongst the horror. But this does raise the question of how on earth you find a jury of American citizens who have no pre-existing bias either towards or - particularly around Manhattan where this trial is situated - against ex-President Trump?

Find me 18 folk who have never made a comment or forwarded a meme even tangentially related to Trump or his extremely controversial clickbait policies and that’ll be 18 people not at all representative of any Americans I know.

Taking GLP-1 drugs may increase your chance of getting pregnant

Anecdotal evidence is coming to light that suggests that folk on the revolutionary GLP-1 anti-obesity medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy et al. are more likely to get pregnant. Sometimes this is joyfully welcomed. Other times - especially in cases where the person concerned is taking birth control pills - it’s more of a problematic surprise.

There’s a number of theories in play as to why this might be.

From Jezebel:

Experts say it’s possible that people are getting pregnant on these drugs because weight loss can help treat insulin resistance, which can lead to more regulated ovulation and menstrual cycles.

But the medications work by slowing stomach emptying, and that can affect the absorption of oral medications when they’re taken at the same time.

The drugs can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, which could mean people aren’t absorbing enough of their birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.

Early days yet as to how much this is a big and real phenomenon. But for it seems as because not a great deal is yet known about any effects of these drugs on pregnant humans and their offspring, if you do get pregnant whilst on these meds your doctor is likely to advise you to stop taking them. And if you don’t want to get pregnant, you might want to avoid relying on oral contraceptives alone - something which providers should hopefully already have informed you of.

Spotify's new minimum stream threshold means most tracks no longer pay the artist

Spotify has changed its payment structure such that playing most tracks they host will result in a $0 payout to the artist. That’s because they’ll now require a song to have at least 1000 streams a year in order to be paid out on.

To be clear, the claim is not that Spotify will keep the money themselves (not that they’re against that concept in general), but rather it’ll just get redistributed into payments for more popular tracks. Nonetheless, whether you think this is a good or bad move it’s interesting to learn a bit most about the makeup of the Spotify catalogue.

From NME:

According to Spotify data, there are around 100 million songs on the service, yet only around 37.5million meet the new requirements to generate revenue.

Spotify said that 99.5 per cent of all streams on the platform “are of tracks that have above 1,000 streams.”

It’s a real “winner takes all” situation. And darkly amusing to learn that one of the non-malicious reasons they’re doing this is that, because they anyway pay so badly, artists with those kinds of listening numbers were in practical terms not receiving any payment even under the former regime.

On average a song that got under 1000 streams over the past year earned a whopping $0.03 per month. And not even that 3 cents made it to the place you probably thought it did given the minimum withdrawals and transaction fees that the non-Spotify institutions like to apply. And that’s even before we consider the fact that, as we covered before, most money that does eventually get out of the system goes to somewhere other than the artist’s bank account for reasons of varying legitimacy.

US regulators introduce a law to limit the levels of PFAS present in drinking water

US imposes first-ever limits on levels of toxic PFAS in drinking water

(From The Guardian)

PFAS are a set of chemical compounds that have been traditionally used for making things like water, stain or heat resistant products.

The problem is that they have been repeatedly shown to be risk factors for many illnesses:

The chemicals are linked to cancer, birth defects, liver disease, thyroid problems, decreased immunity, hormone disruption and a range of other serious health issues

They also don’t break down naturally, so end up being dissipated all through our environment, including into our drinking water. Hundreds of millions of Americans are likely being exposed in this way. Along with people from the rest of the world - a recent study found places all over the world where the groundwater exceeded the recommended thresholds, even when we know the levels are likely underestimated.

…this study suggests that a large fraction of surface and groundwaters globally exceed PFAS international advisories and regulations and that future PFAS environmental burden is likely underestimated.

These laws don’t cover every type of PFAS and certainly aren’t a ban. And only a minority of the average person’s PFAS exposure comes from water - probably around 20%. Other sources include the food we consume and the dust we breathe in. But, limitations acknowledged, they should improve the safety of drinking water.

EPA scientists calculated that the new limits will result in thousands of fewer birth-weight related infant deaths, kidney cancer deaths, bladder cancer deaths and deaths from cardiovascular disease

Assuming there are least acceptable alternatives for any critical use-cases, perhaps we can also hope to see more companies following 3Ms example and no longer seeing it as desirable to bother producing PFAS in the first place. Their decision to stop was at least partially due to the trend in regulations like these.