
2023-07-12: PC Part Picker seems to be a good site for seeing a summary of what, surprise surprise, parts of PCs …

2023-07-11: It’s increasingly apparent that relying on the ability to reliably access or even link to …

2023-07-11: The 'Redact' app lets you delete all those social media posts that you regret writing

2023-07-08: Twitter’s whims can break other sites too

2022-12-12: Cookie paywalls: would you pay money to not be tracked on the web?

2022-12-10: The iOS Kindle app has finally made it easy to send an article from your iDevice to your hardware …

2022-10-12: Otavio Cordeiro just released an Obsidian plugin called Micro.publish that lets you post directly to …

2022-06-22: Check how a website is tracking you with the Blacklight service

2022-06-19: See how trackable your web browsing is with the Cover Your Tracks service

2022-06-15: Matter, one of my favourite apps for storing things I intend to read later - articles, PDFs, tweets …