Inevitably some bright spark has developed a large language model AI chatbot whose explicit purpose is to assist with computer crime.

Based on GPT-J, WormGPT has no safety rails and has been trained on data from the darker side of the internet. So far its stated uses appear to be to write very convincing phishing scam emails, and to create and advise how to distribute malware.

Not the first area of life I’d have picked for needing to democratise and make accessible to all, but there we go. I remember listening to an episode of the Data Skeptic podcast last year where a researcher talked about the AI phishing email side of things so it’s not exactly a massive surprise that some 2023 malevolent entity went ahead and made it.

Tom’s Hardware quotes its developer:

This project aims to provide an alternative to ChatGPT, one that lets you do all sorts of illegal stuff and easily sell it online in the future. Everything blackhat related that you can think of can be done with WormGPT, allowing anyone access to malicious activity without ever leaving the comfort of their home.

A screenshot from PC Magazine:

All yours for 60 euros a month. Sigh.