R packages

2024-07-19: The compareDF R package seems to be a super convenient way to quickly compare two dataframes to see …

2024-05-21: The randomizr package for R (and apparently Stata) provides some nice simple functions to help …

2023-07-25: Somehow only today did I realise that you can use if statements directly within R’s dplyr …

2023-03-29: 📚 Finished reading Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath.

2022-12-01: Exciting news about the next version of R’s dplyr library! v1.1 will introduce non-equi joins, …

2022-11-28: Nerd accomplishment: made my first R package today. Super rough around the edges but it works. So …

2022-07-13: The R package "todor" lets you efficiently find all your remaining #TODOs

2022-06-08: juicr looks like an awesome easy-to-use R package for automated and manual extraction of datapoints …