Here, for disgusting posterity, is the infamous video of Vance and Trump behaving once again like petulant babies by publicly accusing Zelenskyy of being “ungrateful”, amongst other things.

And the transcript, for the wise amongst us who don’t want the visual image scarring our memories for the rest of time. It was shocking to watch.

Especially Vance’s “contribution” almost feels like some kind of sick pre-planned skit from Vance. Which is not out of the question to me given I think I read somewhere (full disclosure: I can’t find it, so I might be wrong) that apparently Trump and Vance workshopped that unimaginably dumb post Trump made about how Zelenskyy is a dictator together (factcheck: he’s not).

But what else might we expect from an avaricious administration who blackmailed the beleaguered Ukraine with the threat of dropping their support of Ukraine’s attempt to defend itself against the invasion if they didn’t hand over $500 billion of their natural resources in return? Of the administration sending Keith Kellogg, the “Special Ukraine Envoy” to threaten to turn off the communications satellites that part of Ukraine’s war effort depends on should they not cough up those billions of dollars? It’s probably not an idle threat - Musk’s company had already artificially limited how Ukraine could use them back in 2023.

Not that these satellites were being provided for free to be clear; Poland is paying the subscription for them - and so, extremely obvious ethics aside, their deactivation would be, if anything, a breach of a business contract with Poland.

Since their latest temper tantrum, the US administration has frozen all military aid to Ukraine, jeopardising their ability to keep resisting Putin’s invasion. They had already stopped financing weapons sales to Ukraine.

“Stopping military aid to Ukraine is incredibly damaging to the United States and a sad day for American interests because it rewards our adversaries,” said Mykola Murskyj, director of advocacy at Razom for Ukraine. “I can hear the Champagne popping in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran.”

In fact it seems they want to return to funding the aggressor, Russia. The US is drawing up a plan to ease the sanctions currently on Russia. Some of these sanctions have been in place since Russia’s annexation of Crimea back in 2014.