It seems recent hardcore-Trump convert Mark Zuckerberg just can’t resist funnelling off as much of his company’s ill-gained wealth as realistically possible to Trump. Fresh off of giving him $1 million for his inauguration party, it turns out that Meta has agreed to pay Trump $25 million for having committed the cardinal sin of temporarily suspending his Facebook account for breaking the “don’t constantly lie about elections so as to cause a violent insurrection” part of their terms and conditions.
As it happens, Facebook also (permanently) disabled my account some time ago for reasons so benign I never understood what I was supposed to have done, other than if “refusing to use it” is somehow equivalent to “being a spammer” in their mad world. No right of appeal. So, fair’s fair.
Apparently only one of us was damaged by the action enough that we didn’t become the president of a country, so I’m of course looking forward to receiving a significantly higher pile of cash in the mail.