๐ŸŽถ Listening to some modern-day Christmas music: December’s Here by New Found Glory, Punk Rawk Christmas by MxPx and Let It Snow Baby…Let It Reindeer by Reliant K.

After realising that all the good Christmas songs seem to have been written in the last century, and not all that near the end of it, I went on a search for decent ones written in the past few years. Or at least this century.

December’s Here is a post-pandemic issuance, coming out in 2021. “Somber Christmas” celebrates that, if nothing else, Christmas 2021 was an upgrade from the previous year’s (lack of) celebration for many.

New Found Glory ยท December's Here

2009’s Punk Rawk Christmas is an EP that collects up the annual Christmas-related songs that MxPx sent to members of its fan club between 1998 and 2008.

And 2007’s Let It Snow Baby…Let It Reindeer, apart from being a classic winter witticism, is a take on mostly songs of yesteryear, adapted to various degrees.

Relient k ยท Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer

The three selections above are all of a general theme, perhaps mostly being potentially described as some degree of pop-punk in style. I’m sure other genres have pumped out the holiday tunes for those who don’t enjoy this one.