New presumably terrible reality show just dropped. The life of Jacob Rees Mogg and family - “Meet the Rees-Moggs”. Just what you always wanted.
4 thoughts I always have when this sort of malarkey happens:
- Please stop promoting the worst of the ghouls. Overly humanising those who espouse inhuman policies, rendering sympathetic those who lack sympathy, might not be the greatest idea unless done with extreme care.
- On the other hand, keep ‘em busy with nonsense and maybe they’ll leave politics alone?
- What type of twisted mind dreamt up the idea in the first place?
- How long am I going to be able to resist watching it? (i.e. what type of twisted mind do I have)
I’ve no idea what the show is like to be fair. Perhaps it’ll be truly insightful and not at all cringe-worthy sycophancy. Perhaps.