It seems that US Republican affiliated groups may have commissioned presidential election polls that are deliberately biased towards saying Trump will win.

This as a possible prelude to the horrific but plausible idea that if Trump loses then team MAGA will use ‘but the polls said Trump has the bigliest lead’ as (manufactured) evidence of some imaginary tranche of electoral fraud. They’d conclude of course that even though he got the least votes he should in any case be crowned the some-would-say-wannabe permanent king of what we previously referred to as the ‘free world’.

Elsewhere I heard suggestions that the actual legitimate pollsters were potentially underestimating Harris, deliberately or not, on the basis that failing - once again - to predict a Trump victory would be embarrassing.

Let’s hope then that the former story isn’t true - or at least isn’t effective in what the people concerned trying to accomplish - and the latter is.