Currently trying out a combo of FreshRSS and NetNewsWire to experience the joy (?) of aggregating, managing and perusing RSS feeds without relying on someone else’s cloud service.

FreshRSS is “A free, self-hostable feed aggregator”. Think Feedly, Google Reader (RIP) et al. but self-hostable, open source, private (if you want it to be) and subscription-free. You can access it via the web, desktop or mobile. Here’s a screenshot from their site.

A screenshot of FreshRSS displaying various feeds.

NetNewsWire is one of many client RSS apps that are out there that can sync with FreshRSS if you prefer reading your feeds in an app. This one has the selling point being both free, open source and, again, not infused with features to sell your brain to the highest bidder.

A screenshot of the NewNewsWire app displaying various feeds.

There are of course several similar options if those two don’t float your boat.