Apparently we’re in the aesthetic era of Britishcore. I’ve enjoyed learning about the cultural ‘cores, at least ever since the days of cottagecore. Corecore was of course a highlight in terms of its naming - a “screaming-into-void” aesthetic according to Vice. There’s also been goblincore, fairycore, cluttercore and weirdcore.

In any case, to be Britishcore is to follow the “practice of embracing the naffest bits of British culture”. At least the traditions that someone (perhaps Tiktok?) has decided are lame, dated and naff - which I fear at times risks verging into the classist, but not necessarily so.

Here’s 100 examples, courtesy of the Guardian. Although that article hasn’t gone down overly well with everyone. An article in the New Statesman described it as being not “just unfunny, it was disturbing” and having the “the dead sheen of marketing copy”.