If you’re a Windows users who likes using Winget as a package manager, as I do, but would prefer a graphical user interface over hitting the command line then UniGetUI - formerly known as WingetUI) might be the app for you.

It’s a free open-source utility that lets you install, update and uninstall apps via Winget with mere clicks of a mouse.

That wouldn’t interest me all that greatly - I rather like typing commands - except for that it comes with a few extra functions that I don’t think are available in default Winget. Some I like are:

  • It can automatically scan for updates to your existing apps on a schedule. If it finds one it’ll notify you so you can choose to update it there and then or not (you can exclude certain apps if you never want to update them).
  • It can install, update or uninstall multiple selected packages at once - not just “one or all”.
  • It can export a list of some or all of your installed applications (plus any custom installation parameters you installed them with). Then in the future you can import that same list again to a different or newly reformatted computer and it’ll install everything in it in one fell swoop using the same configuration.

If you’re into a different brand of Windows package manger - Chocolatey, Scoop, Pip and more - then the reason the app renamed itself from WingetUI to UniGetUI is because it now supports those package managers too. So you can recursively manage multiple package managers from one place now if that tickles your fancy.