Anecdotal evidence is coming to light that suggests that folk on the revolutionary GLP-1 anti-obesity medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy et al. are more likely to get pregnant. Sometimes this is joyfully welcomed. Other times - especially in cases where the person concerned is taking birth control pills - it’s more of a problematic surprise.

There’s a number of theories in play as to why this might be.

From Jezebel:

Experts say it’s possible that people are getting pregnant on these drugs because weight loss can help treat insulin resistance, which can lead to more regulated ovulation and menstrual cycles.

But the medications work by slowing stomach emptying, and that can affect the absorption of oral medications when they’re taken at the same time.

The drugs can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, which could mean people aren’t absorbing enough of their birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.

Early days yet as to how much this is a big and real phenomenon. But for it seems as because not a great deal is yet known about any effects of these drugs on pregnant humans and their offspring, if you do get pregnant whilst on these meds your doctor is likely to advise you to stop taking them. And if you don’t want to get pregnant, you might want to avoid relying on oral contraceptives alone - something which providers should hopefully already have informed you of.