TIL: Ireland’s Dublin Airport holds an annual “Blessing of the Planes” ceremony.

Once a year, ever since 1947, a priest works their way through the airport giving the planes a “festive blessing from God”.

From CNN:

…[Father] Doyle was shown carrying a chalice of holy water onto the airfield, accompanied by another priest, as well as airport police.

As the job got busier though - more planes = more blessings - some shortcuts have had to be made. It got moved to Christmas day, when no flights take place (meaning some staff have to go to work that day), and it’s changed from 1 blessing per plane to a single general blessing.

It’s not restricted to Aer Lingus' Saint-named planes as it once was; even Ryanair gets a lookin.

The annual blessing these days is ecumenical and covers the general fleet.