
2024-11-21: Quite incredibly, yesterday was the 1000-day anniversary of Russia’s ongoing invasion of …

2024-11-19: No religious liberty on offer from the Office of Religious Liberty


Zionism’s long 20th century: And the shifts in the relationship between the British political left and right with regards to Israel.

2024-11-15: Trump's victory added $27 billion dollars to the wealth of the 10 richest people in the world


The world according to Trump: How Trump is likely to think about Ukraine, the Middle East, Europe and China.

How “YMCA” became Donald Trump’s unlikely theme song: I had wondered.


Congress About to Gift Trump Sweeping Powers to Crush Political Enemies: A bill which enables the treasury secretary to unilaterally declare that any non-profit supports terrorism.

2024-11-13: I’m reluctant to volunteer my own evidence-free theory into the morass of folk providing …


I blame the media: for Trump’s electoral victory - by normalising him plus failing to recognise Biden’s achievements.

2024-11-12: Google receives its biggest fine yet. $20 decillion. A decillion is a one with 33 zeroes after it. …


Regime of Unreason: The US surely couldn’t need any ‘liberalisation’ of its fossil fuel regulations when it’s already a net exporter of energy.

The Podcast Election: Can some of Trump’s victory be explained by the weaponisation of the ‘emerging medium’ of podcasts?

I spent hours trying to persuade US voters to choose Harris not Trump. I know why she lost: Apparently plenty of people believed believed what Trump said.

I moved to Finland believing it was a progressive dream. It hasn’t turned out that way: Are there any decent countries left?

2024-11-11: Trump’s election promises weren’t only meaningless because they were almost certainly …


Donald Trump should have the easiest presidency ever: Biden’s administration has already accomplished a lot of Trump’s campaign promises.

Finally, the end of ‘the British empire’ – and maybe an honours system a modern country can live with: Soon the E in the OBE might stand for ‘excellence’.

2024-11-11: Changing the E of an OBE

2024-11-11: Who knew that Michael Gove got one particularly foolish part of his political philosophy from a 1967 …

Donald Trump should have the easiest presidency ever: Many of the things he promised to do during his campaign have already been done by the Biden administration.


taylor derangement syndrome: It reads differently now we know the result of the election, but I had originally enjoyed ‘Taylor is a normal person and that’s why she’s a Democrat’.

Democrats join 2024’s graveyard of incumbents: Is the US election result simply a continuation of an unprecedented tendency for elections held this year to vote out the incumbent party?

What happened to Bhutan’s ‘kingdom of happiness’?: Sadly even the country that pioneered measuring Gross National Happiness has its own problems.

We will fight Trump’s plans to slap tariffs on the UK – Rachel Reeves: There’s going to be some ‘interesting’ decisions to be made, but I’m glad if our politicians aren’t necessarily going to roll over and take whatever crumbs we’re given.


Exit polls from the 2024 presidential election: Some cross-tabs to distract us bewildered data addicts.