2024-06-08: A calculator to quickly compare the energy costs of using different types of appliances
2024-04-17: Spotify's new minimum stream threshold means most tracks no longer pay the artist
2024-04-07: Is the UK housing crisis more about who owns the houses rather than how many houses there are?
2024-03-07: From The Guardian: Britain will go into the next general election with taxes at their highest level …
2024-02-05: 📧 Reading the Bits About Money newsletter.
2024-02-04: TIL: Buckingham Palace pays a council tax bill of £1,828 per year. That’s lower than 46% of …
2024-01-05: What it takes to be in the top 1% of UK income tax payers
2022-12-12: Cookie paywalls: would you pay money to not be tracked on the web?